Re-discovering and re-imagining linen

HOLLA is a distinctive clothing brand dedicated to the timeless elegance and comfort of 100% linen garments. Rooted in the philosophy of embracing natural beauty and sustainability, the brand combines craftsmanship with a commitment to eco-friendly practices.

We are giving linen a new name and a new face, a new time and a new place.

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SS'21 Collection

  • The Designs

    The designs are characterized by clean lines, minimalist silhouettes, and attention to detail, ensuring that every piece becomes a statement of understated elegance.

  • Less is more

    HOLLA is not just a clothing brand; it's a lifestyle choice. It invites individuals to embrace the beauty of simplicity, appreciate the tactile luxury of linen, and contribute to a more sustainable future, one garment at a time.

  • Sustainable Living

    The HOLLA experience extends beyond clothing, as the brand aspires to create a community that values conscious consumerism. Through transparency in its sourcing and production methods, the brand invites customers to join a movement toward a more sustainable and mindful approach to fashion.